Three Things Everybody Should Do On Miller’s Kenpo Karate Web Site

There are three things everyone should do on our site if you haven’t already.  Our goal is to educate and assist you, whether you are a student of ours or not, in making progress in every aspect of your life to live a happier, healthier life.  There are four things you can do on our site that will allow us to provide that education, motivation and allow you to take those steps toward positive growth.

1) The first thing to do is go to the bottom right hand corner of the homepage, just under our contact info where it says “We’re Social.”  You will find three things you could click on: the feedburner, twitter, and facebook.  Click on the feedburner icon (first icon) and once you do that click on the link “Get Miller’s Kenpo Karate Dojo delivered by e-mail.”  When you do that, it will allow all articles I write to be sent directly to your e-mail.  The articles are about an array of topics that I specialize in: “real” self-defense, health, fitness, awareness, child development, anger management, Mixed Martial Arts, motivation, bullying, weapons, and much, much more.

2) The second thing to do is click on the twitter icon and follow us on twitter.

3) The third thing is click on the facebook icon and “Like” us on Facebook.

We want to keep everybody in the loop when it comes to what we do to better our community.  I ask that if you haven’t done it already take these three steps.  It will take less than 2 minutes.

Any questions e-mail me at