Kenpo Kids Program

2009 Bullying Statistics

Bullying is a major problem throughout the U.S.  This is an addendum to my first article about bullying.   You will also find many future articles about this topic, since bullying has lead to several young suicides and, for others, severe depression. Some people believe that it won’t happen to them or their child.  Honestly, bullying …

The 12 Rules of Practice

To become good at something it requires an extreme amount of practice.  To become great it requires even more.  Practice can be viewed in many ways, but ultimately it is the repetition of becoming all that you are capable of becoming.  Notice that the professional athletes practice much more than the amateur ones!  It’s vital.  …

Kindness – A Deviant Trait?

I’m sure you all know what kindness means.  If not, here is the definition from – the state or quality of being kind: kindness to animals. – a kind act; favor: his many kindnesses to me. – kind behavior: I will never forget your kindness. – friendly feeling; liking. Some synonyms to kindness include: …