Little Dragons

Gratitude in Martial Arts

One thing children sometimes lack is gratitude. It’s not like it used to be. Nowadays, many children have a sense of entitlement and feel that they are owed things.  Many children expect to get everything and have everything handed to them. They are not disciplined appropriately, usually get everything they want, and don’t appreciate life’s …

One of the Best Things You Can Do Before a Belt Test

As a martial artist you are aware that belt testing comes with the program.  There are certain requirements for each belt and it takes time, dedication, discipline, patience, and hard work to earn each belt – at least it should (and it does at my school).  You are required to learn more material (basics, forms, …

The Importance of Practice

Look at the best “most known” martial artists in the world such as Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis, Bill Wallace, and many others. How did they become such incredible martial artists? There are several reasons, but the most vital element that made them so good was constant practice/training. They practiced diligently and some of …

Our Mission at Miller’s Kenpo Karate

At Miller’s Kenpo Karate we believe in providing the best methods possible to succeed in all aspects of life.  We genuinly care about every student and the progress that the student makes.   We will do whatever we can to help every student reach his or her full potential and accomplish the goals he or she …

Building Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is vital in our lives.  Our confidence in ourselves dictates how we walk, talk, and act.  It is an important element to our success in life.  Self-confidence deals with whether or not we believe in ourselves.  Do we believe we CAN accomplish the things we are out to accomplish, or do we have doubts …

Kindness – A Deviant Trait?

I’m sure you all know what kindness means.  If not, here is the definition from – the state or quality of being kind: kindness to animals. – a kind act; favor: his many kindnesses to me. – kind behavior: I will never forget your kindness. – friendly feeling; liking. Some synonyms to kindness include: …