At Miller’s Kenpo Karate Dojo, we are forming a Sport Jujitsu Competition Team (Team Miller) to compete at the Annual AKT Combatives Sport Jujitsu Classic tournament held every year in April at Good Times in Olean, NY. The tournament is a US Sport Jujitsu Association (USSJA) sanctioned tournament that is a qualifier for Team USA. Sport …
The Importance of Private Lessons for Martial Arts Students
If you are enrolled in a martial art program, I am sure you want to become the best you are capable of becoming. Being a martial artist is not about coasting through classes half heartedly and just going through the motions. That will not help you reach your full potential. In fact, that would just …
Why Martial Arts Training is so Important for Children
This is a broad topic, and could be put into a novel, but I will get straight to the point to keep it short and simple. The one thing that a credible martial arts program will do that no other sport can do, especially the way martial arts does, is instill real unshakeable confidence. I …
Gratitude in Martial Arts
One thing children sometimes lack is gratitude. It’s not like it used to be. Nowadays, many children have a sense of entitlement and feel that they are owed things. Many children expect to get everything and have everything handed to them. They are not disciplined appropriately, usually get everything they want, and don’t appreciate life’s …
The Triangle – Triad to Success
We all want our children to reach their full potential. Sometimes, however, children are held back from doing so due to their parents actions or lack thereof. When a child is on a certain task, the parents play an invaluable role as to whether the child will succeed or not. It may be school work, baseball …
One of the Best Things You Can Do Before a Belt Test
As a martial artist you are aware that belt testing comes with the program. There are certain requirements for each belt and it takes time, dedication, discipline, patience, and hard work to earn each belt – at least it should (and it does at my school). You are required to learn more material (basics, forms, …
Parents – What Martial Arts Instructor’s Want You to Know
I came across an article written by a friend of mine, American Kenpo expert Rich Hale, about what we as instructors wish parents of our students would learn. He hit the nail on the head and it inspired me to write an article myself on the subject and, of course, share his article. It made …
Principles We Follow at Miller’s Dojo
I have certain principles I believe in and follow that I expect my students to follow as well. It’s easy at times to stray from our path and become easily influenced by negative things. By reciting the principles below every day we can keep them fresh in our minds so that we don’t let the …
The Four Agreements
There is always room for improvement. No matter where you get in life, or how great you are, there is always room for you to become even better. You should always give 100 percent effort 100 percent of the time and not settle for lest than your best. With this come many roadblocks that will …
Our Mission at Miller’s Kenpo Karate
At Miller’s Kenpo Karate we believe in providing the best methods possible to succeed in all aspects of life. We genuinly care about every student and the progress that the student makes. We will do whatever we can to help every student reach his or her full potential and accomplish the goals he or she …