Time – the fourth dimension and how it relates to American Kenpo American Kenpo is a thinking persons art based on science. We use many different analogies to understand our concepts and principles in order to put a reality context to not only thought, but also proper action. Kenpo is a multi-dimensional art/science which requires …
Storm Team
Kindness – A Deviant Trait?
I’m sure you all know what kindness means. If not, here is the definition from dictionary.com: – the state or quality of being kind: kindness to animals. – a kind act; favor: his many kindnesses to me. – kind behavior: I will never forget your kindness. – friendly feeling; liking. Some synonyms to kindness include: …
Belt Ranking in American Kenpo
BELT RANKING IN AMERICAN KENPO KARATE – through our lineage in the Chinese Karate Federation The color of one’s belt is to symbolize the level of the practitioner within the confinements of the base material being taught and tested upon, beginning with white belt and leading to black belt through constant refinement of skill and …